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2681 Old Rosebud Rd, Lexington, KY 40509

Starting January 30, 2017, the YMCA has been kind enough to partner with us and share the performance center portion of the facility from 4-5pm on M-W-F.  Hopefully we will get the majority of you to attend this training with the best strength coach in the state, Ed Towle. Coach Towle is certified NSCA. He comes to us from Marshall University where he was a strength coach of the football team, and has been a strength coach here in the Lexington area since 1996. Your son will learn the proper technique and skills from one of the finest coaches in high school ball. 



1. Please be on time. We ask that you get to the facility by 3:50 so that we can get started right at 4. We must be completely finished by 5 pm, so the YMCA can start the next scheduled event. 


2. When you enter, please meet one of our Coaches in the front lobby. He will assist you from there. We have a designated area that we are allowed to be in, so please do not wander off into other parts of the facility. 


3. Attire: Please wear shorts, t-shirt with sleeves, and gym shoes. If you need to change, there will be a place for you to do so at the facility. Be sure to budget time for that upon arrival.  

4. Be prepared to be COACHED. My staff has infectious enthusiasm, and vast knowledge. We won't allow anyone to give less than their best effort!!


5. We understand that a 4pm start time makes it hard for current 8th graders to get to workouts on time, or at all. Unfortunately, 4pm-5pm is the only time we have the 4,000 Sq foot performance room. It is the time slot that the YMCA made available to us. As we move forward, we will look into the possibilities of time slot changes.

6. Attached below is a YMCA waiver form that needs to be filled out and on hand before you can workout with us. It is a form the YMCA needs. Please print this off, fill it out, and bring with you. We will have blank copies on site as well. 

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